
Vast Product Update | March 2024

- Team Vast

March 3, 2024-Vast

It's time for another product update! Here at, we strive to keep improving our product for the benefit of new and old customers alike, so we can continue to serve as your reliable gateway to affordable and powerful cloud GPU resources.

One of our big updates this month is that we've added beta hosting support for AMD GPUs! For AMD-specific directions, please see our updated hosting guide. If you have Radeon or Radeon Instinct GPUs, you can now run our Daemon software. (Please reach out via the chatbox at the bottom right if you experience any issues while setting up AMD GPUs.)

As always, we address bugs as soon as we're aware of them, in order to maintain the highest standards of performance and reliability on Vast. The following are some of our latest bug fixes:

  • SHA256 Docker images now work
  • Search results by geolocation issue fixed
  • Fixed the VRAM cost-per-hour filter and sort setting in GUI
  • Instance duration bug fixed so 3-day default is now accurate
  • Fixed issue where logging in with OAuth + 2FA fails
  • Issue with copy progress bar being lost on page refresh now fixed

NVIDIA Cloud GPU Updates

With each update, we're committed to enhancing performance, expanding capabilities, and streamlining user experience. Our goal is to continually evolve to meet our customers' needs. Below are some highlights of the latest enhancements we've made to our website and platform:

  • Reorganized our Docs and added a more detailed walkthrough of all pages inside the console
  • Updated hosting documentation with requirements for datacenter status
  • Added machine listing support for "geforce rtx 4080 super", "geforce rtx 4070 ti super", "quadro k620", "quadro k2200" to gpu list
  • Added the ability to stop/start offline instances
  • Autoscaler now supports templates
  • Added cpu_ghz filter
  • Cloud copy settings now remembered from prior use

For a full list of all improvements and bug fixes since our last update, check out the March 2024 change log at the bottom of this page.

If you're new to Vast, we highly recommend joining our active Discord community – whether for helpful resources and support or just for fun. As of this month, we even have a new Discord bot named @Vasti that has been trained on our Docs and is always available for different support requests. Simply tag it in a public channel or send it a direct message!

For any other questions or assistance getting started with GPU rental or hosting on Vast, feel free to reach out at your convenience – we would be delighted to help you in any way we can. Drop us a line via the chatbox at the bottom right or email us at any time!

Change Log

  • Added a reactive 2FA button
  • Updated hosting documentation with requirements for datacenter status:
  • Added machine listing support for "geforce rtx 4080 super", "geforce rtx 4070 ti super", "quadro k620", "quadro k2200" to gpu list
  • Added invoice info section to account and earnings page
  • Added improvements to invoicing: refresh button, calendar range, re-trigger to get last invoice
  • UI now shows recent failed billing attempts and explanation for when auto-billing is disabled
  • Bugfix: fixed copy between two machines on the same network with the same IP
  • Bugfix: fixed an issue in the templates with Extra_Filters not parsing non-floats properly
  • Added the ability to stop/start offline instances
  • Added CLI command 'create template' that can create a template, use --help for info
  • Autoscaler now supports templates
  • Added a 'machine_id' filter for hosts to find their own machine
  • Added a button to show more results (so hosts can find their offers in relative rankings)
  • Improved the add credit UI widget
  • Improved max instance duration and price and other filters/sliders
  • Added cpu_ghz filter
  • Bugfix: SHA256 Docker images now work
  • Bugfix: search results by geolocation issue fixed
  • Bugfix: fixed issue with instance create scheduling
  • Bugfix: fixed the VRAM cost-per-hour filter and sort setting in GUI
  • Bugfix: added proper spacing support for GPU names in CLI searching
  • Bugfix: fixed instance duration bug so 3-day default is accurate
  • Fairly major reorganization of our docs, including a more detailed walkthrough of all pages inside the console -
  • Added CLI function cancel_maint for hosts to be able to cancel a maintenance window
  • Improved periodic auto cleanup of Docker storage for machines
  • Bugfix: fixed 403 issue when creating new template
  • Bugfix: host payout PDFs had total earnings and total payouts mislabeled, now fixed
  • Bugfix: reserved pricing was displaying a NaN value, now it is showing correct values
  • Bugfix: issues with instance→instance copy UI state
  • Bugfix: fixed issue where logging in with OAuth + 2FA fails
  • Bugfix: fixed billing PDF "include payments" issue where only auto billings were showing up
  • Bugfix: crypto payments now properly exported in PDF
  • Our new Discord bot named @Vasti has been trained on our Docs and can be handy for different support requests – give it a try by tagging it in a public channel or sending it a DM on Discord
  • Added day to PDF invoices
  • Bugfix: fixed issue with tag menu in template editor
  • Bugfix: fixed invalid queries being sent from the webUI
  • Added beta hosting support for AMD GPUs! (Our hosting guide is updated with AMD-specific directions. If you have Radeon or Radeon Instinct GPUs you can now run our Daemon software. Please reach out on our website chat if you experience any issues while setting up AMD GPUs.)
  • Added an SSH key manager for each instance UI; click on the key icon to see what SSH keys are active for that instance
  • Added a reminder to refresh the UI when there are deployed changes to the UI available
  • Added UI help when using the instance copy command
  • Cloud copy settings now remembered from prior use
  • Bugfix: issue with copy progress bar being lost on page refresh now fixed
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