Docs - Autoscaler

Logs Endpoint

Please note the Autoscaler is currently in Beta, and is subject to changes and downtime.

Both endpoint groups and autogroups keep logs that can be fetched by using the /get_endpoint_logs/ and /get_autogroup_logs/ endpoints respectively

At a high level, endpoint group logs relate to managing instances, and autogroup logs relate to searching for offers to create instances from, as well as calls to create instances using the offers. For both types of groups, there are four levels of logs which have decreasing levels of detail: debug, trace, info0, info1.


/get_endpoint_stats/ :

  • One of the following
    • id: ID of your endpoint group
    • endpoint: name of your endpoint group
  • api_key: API_KEY corresponding to your endpoint group used for authentication purposes

/get_autogroup_stats/ :

  • id : The ID of your autogroup.
  • api_key: API_KEY corresponding to your autogroup used for authentication purposes


  • info0 : the contents of the info0 log
  • info1 : the contents of the info1 log
  • trace : the contents of the trace log
  • debug : the contents of the debug log

Note that each log level has a fixed size, and once it is full, the log is wiped and overwritten with new log messages. This means it is good practice to check these regularly if you are looking for certain messages.

Here is an example of a curl request to fetch endpoint logs:

curl -X POST -d '{"endpoint" : "my-endpoint", "api_key" : "API_KEY_HERE"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'