Docs - CLI


CLI Commands #

usage: [-h] [--url URL] [--retry RETRY] [--raw] [--explain] [--api-key API_KEY] command ... positional arguments: command command to run. one of: help print this help message cancel copy Cancel a remote copy in progress, specified by DST id cancel sync Cancel a remote copy in progress, specified by DST id change bid Change the bid price for a spot/interruptible instance copy Copy directories between instances and/or local cloud copy Copy files/folders to and from cloud providers create api-key Create a new api-key with restricted permissions. Can be sent to other users and temmates in the future create autoscaler Create a new autoscale group create instance Create a new instance create subaccount Create a subaccount create team Create a new team create team-role Add a new role to your delete api-key Remove an api-key delete autoscaler Delete an autoscaler group destroy instance Destroy an instance (irreversible, deletes data) destroy instances Destroy a list of instances (irreversible, deletes data) destroy team Destroy your team execute Execute a (constrained) remote command on a machine invite team-member Invite a team member label instance Assign a string label to an instance logs Get the logs for an instance prepay instance Deposit credits into reserved instance. reboot instance Reboot (stop/start) an instance reports Get the user reports for a given machine start instance Start a stopped instance start instances Start a list of instances stop instance Stop a running instance stop instances Stop a list of instances search offers Search for instance types using custom query ssh-url ssh url helper scp-url scp url helper show api-key Show an api-key show api-keys List your api-keys associated with your account show autoscalers Display user's current autoscaler groups show connections Displays user's cloud connections show earnings Get machine earning history reports show invoices Get billing history reports show instance Display user's current instances show instances Display user's current instances show ipaddrs Display user's history of ip addresses show machines [Host] Show hosted machines show user Get current user data show subaccounts Get current subaccounts show team-members Show your team members show team-role Show your team role show team-roles Show roles for a team transfer credit Transfer credits to another account update autoscaler Update an existing autoscale group generate pdf-invoices list machine [Host] list a machine for rent unlist machine [Host] Unlist a listed machine remove defjob [Host] Delete default jobs remove team-member Remove a team member remove team-role Remove a role from your team set defjob [Host] Create default jobs for a machine set min-bid [Host] Set the minimum bid/rental price for a machine schedule maint [Host] Schedule upcoming maint window reset api-key Reset your api-key (get new key from website). set api-key Set api-key (get your api-key from the console/CLI) update team-role Update an existing team role options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Use 'vast COMMAND --help' for more info about a command

Client Commands #

cancel copy #

Cancel a remote copy in progress, specified by DST id

usage: vastai cancel copy DST positional arguments: dst instance_id:/path to target of copy operation. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Use this command to cancel any/all current remote copy operations copying to a specific named instance, given by DST. Examples: vast cancel copy 12371 The first example cancels all copy operations currently copying data into instance 12371

cancel sync #

Cancel a remote copy in progress, specified by DST id

usage: vastai cancel sync DST positional arguments: dst instance_id:/path to target of sync operation. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Use this command to cancel any/all current remote cloud sync operations copying to a specific named instance, given by DST. Examples: vast cancel sync 12371 The first example cancels all copy operations currently copying data into instance 12371

change bid #

Change the bid price for a spot/interruptible instance

usage: vastai change bid id [--price PRICE] positional arguments: id id of instance type to change bid options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --price PRICE per machine bid price in $/hour --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Change the current bid price of instance id to PRICE. If PRICE is not specified, then a winning bid price is used as the default.

cloud copy #

Copy files/folders to and from cloud providers

usage: vastai cloud_copy SRC DST CLOUD_SERVICE INSTANCE_ID CLOUD_SERVICE_SELECTED TRANSFER options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --src SRC path to source of object to copy. --dst DST path to target of copy operation. --instance INSTANCE id of the instance --connection CONNECTION id of cloud connection on your account --transfer TRANSFER type of transfer, possible options include Instance To Cloud and Cloud To Instance --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Copies a directory from a source location to a target location. Each of source and destination directories can be either local or remote, subject to appropriate read and write permissions required to carry out the action. The format for both src and dst is [instance_id:]path. You can find more information about the cloud copy operation here: Examples: vast cloud_copy --src folder --dst /workspace --cloud_service "Amazon S3" --instance_id 6003036 --cloud_service_selected 52 --transfer "Instance To Cloud" The example copies all contents of /folder into /workspace on instance 6003036 from Amazon S3.

copy #

Copy directories between instances and/or local

usage: vastai copy SRC DST positional arguments: src instance_id:/path to source of object to copy. dst instance_id:/path to target of copy operation. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY Location of ssh private key --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Copies a directory from a source location to a target location. Each of source and destination directories can be either local or remote, subject to appropriate read and write permissions required to carry out the action. The format for both src and dst is [instance_id:]path. You should not copy to /root or / as a destination directory, as this can mess up the permissions on your instance ssh folder, breaking future copy operations (as they use ssh authentication) You can see more information about constraints here: Examples: vast copy 6003036:/workspace/ 6003038:/workspace/ vast copy 11824:/data/test data/test vast copy data/test 11824:/data/test The first example copy syncs all files from the absolute directory '/workspace' on instance 6003036 to the directory '/workspace' on instance 6003038. The second example copy syncs the relative directory 'data/test' on the local machine from '/data/test' in instance 11824. The third example copy syncs the directory '/data/test' in instance 11824 from the relative directory 'data/test' on the local machine.

create api-key #

Create a new api-key with restricted permissions. Can

usage: vastai create api-key options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --permissions PERMISSIONS file path for json encoded permissions, look in the docs for more information --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

create autoscaler #

Create a new autoscale group

usage: vastai autoscaler create [OPTIONS] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --min_load MIN_LOAD minimum floor load in perf units/s (token/s for LLms) --target_util TARGET_UTIL target capacity utilization (fraction, max 1.0, default 0.9) --cold_mult COLD_MULT cold/stopped instance capacity target as multiple of hot capacity target (default 2.5) --gpu_ram GPU_RAM estimated GPU RAM req (independent of search string) --template_hash TEMPLATE_HASH template hash (optional) --template_id TEMPLATE_ID template id (optional) --search_params SEARCH_PARAMS search param string for search offers ex: "gpu_ram>=23 num_gpus=2 gpu_name=RTX_4090 inet_down>200 direct_port_count>2 disk_space>=64" --launch_args LAUNCH_ARGS launch args string for create instance ex: "--onstart --env '-e ONSTART_PATH=https://s3.amaz' --image atinoda/text-generation-webui:default-nightly --disk 64" --endpoint_name ENDPOINT_NAME deployment endpoint name (allows multiple autoscale groups to share same deployment endpoint) --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Create a new autoscaling group to manage a pool of worker instances. Example: vastai create autoscaler --min_load 100 --target_util 0.9 --cold_mult 2.0 --search_params "gpu_ram>=23 num_gpus=2 gpu_name=RTX_4090 inet_down>200 direct_port_count>2 disk_space>=64" --launch_args "--onstart --env '-e ONSTART_PATH=' --image atinoda/text-generation-webui:default-nightly --disk 64" --gpu_ram 32.0 --endpoint_name "LLama"

create instance #

Create a new instance

usage: vastai create instance ID [OPTIONS] [--args ...] positional arguments: ID id of instance type to launch (returned from search offers) options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --price PRICE per machine bid price in $/hour --disk DISK size of local disk partition in GB --image IMAGE docker container image to launch --login LOGIN docker login arguments for private repo authentication, surround with '' --label LABEL label to set on the instance --onstart ONSTART filename to use as onstart script --onstart-cmd ONSTART_CMD contents of onstart script as single argument --entrypoint ENTRYPOINT override entrypoint for args launch instance --ssh Launch as an ssh instance type. --jupyter Launch as a jupyter instance instead of an ssh instance. --direct Use (faster) direct connections for jupyter & ssh. --jupyter-dir JUPYTER_DIR For runtype 'jupyter', directory in instance to use to launch jupyter. Defaults to image's working directory. --jupyter-lab For runtype 'jupyter', Launch instance with jupyter lab. --lang-utf8 Workaround for images with locale problems: install and generate locales before instance launch, and set locale to C.UTF-8. --python-utf8 Workaround for images with locale problems: set python's locale to C.UTF-8. --env ENV env variables and port mapping options, surround with '' --args ... list of arguments passed to container ENTRYPOINT. Onstart is recommended for this purpose. --create-from CREATE_FROM Existing instance id to use as basis for new instance. Instance configuration should usually be identical, as only the difference from the base image is copied. --force Skip sanity checks when creating from an existing instance --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Performs the same action as pressing the "RENT" button on the website at Creates an instance from an offer ID (which is returned from "search offers"). Each offer ID can only be used to create one instance. Besides the offer ID, you must pass in an '--image' argument as a minimum. Examples: vastai create instance 6995713 --image pytorch/pytorch --disk 40 --env '-p 8081:80801/udp -h billybob' --ssh --direct --onstart-cmd "env | grep _ >> /etc/environment; echo 'starting up'"; vastai create instance 384827 --image bobsrepo/pytorch:latest --login '-u bob -p 9d8df!fd89ufZ' --jupyter --direct --env '-e TZ=PDT -e XNAME=XX4 -p 22:22 -p 8080:8080' --disk 20 Return value: Returns a json reporting the instance ID of the newly created instance. Example: {'success': True, 'new_contract': 7835610}

create subaccount #

Create a subaccount

usage: vastai create subaccount --email EMAIL --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --type TYPE options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --email EMAIL email address to use for login --username USERNAME username to use for login --password PASSWORD password to use for login --type TYPE host/client --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Creates a new account that is considered a child of your current account as defined via the API key.

create team #

Create a new team

usage: vastai create-team --team_name TEAM_NAME options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --team_name TEAM_NAME name of the team --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

create team-role #

Add a new role to your

usage: vastai create team-role name --permissions PERMISSIONS options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --name NAME name of the role --permissions PERMISSIONS file path for json encoded permissions, look in the docs for more information --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

delete api-key #

Remove an api-key

usage: vastai delete api-key ID positional arguments: ID id of apikey to remove options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

delete autoscaler #

Delete an autoscaler group

usage: vastai delete autoscaler ID positional arguments: ID id of group to delete options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Note that deleteing an autoscaler group doesn't automatically destroy all the instances that are associated with your autoscaler group. Example: vastai delete autoscaler 4242

destroy instance #

Destroy an instance (irreversible, deletes data)

usage: vastai destroy instance id [-h] [--api-key API_KEY] [--raw] positional arguments: id id of instance to delete options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Perfoms the same action as pressing the "DESTROY" button on the website at Example: vastai destroy instance 4242

destroy instances #

Destroy a list of instances (irreversible, deletes

usage: vastai destroy instances [--raw] <id> positional arguments: ids ids of instance to destroy options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

destroy team #

Destroy your team

usage: vastai destroy team options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

execute #

Execute a (constrained) remote command on a machine

usage: vastai execute ID COMMAND positional arguments: ID id of instance to execute on COMMAND bash command surrounded by single quotes options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key examples: vastai execute 99999 'ls -l -o -r' vastai execute 99999 'rm -r home/delete_this.txt' vastai execute 99999 'du -d2 -h' available commands: ls List directory contents rm Remote files or directories du Summarize device usage for a set of files Return value: Returns the output of the command which was executed on the instance, if successful. May take a few seconds to retrieve the results.

generate pdf-invoices #

usage: vastai generate pdf-invoices [OPTIONS] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -q, --quiet only display numeric ids -s START_DATE, --start_date START_DATE start date and time for report. Many formats accepted (optional) -e END_DATE, --end_date END_DATE end date and time for report. Many formats accepted (optional) -c, --only_charges Show only charge items. -p, --only_credits Show only credit items. --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

invite team-member #

Invite a team member

usage: vastai invite team-member --email EMAIL --role ROLE options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --email EMAIL email of user to be invited --role ROLE role of user to be invited --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

label instance #

Assign a string label to an instance

usage: vastai label instance <id> <label> positional arguments: id id of instance to label label label to set options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

logs #

Get the logs for an instance

usage: vastai logs [OPTIONS] INSTANCE_ID positional arguments: INSTANCE_ID id of instance options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --tail TAIL Number of lines to show from the end of the logs (default '1000') --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

prepay instance #

Deposit credits into reserved instance.

usage: vastai prepay instance <id> <amount> positional arguments: id id of instance to prepay for amount amount of instance credit prepayment (default discount func of 0.2 for 1 month, 0.3 for 3 months) options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

reboot instance #

Reboot (stop/start) an instance

usage: vastai reboot instance <id> [--raw] positional arguments: id id of instance to reboot options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Instance is stopped and started without any risk of losing GPU priority.

remove team-member #

Remove a team member

usage: vastai remove team-member ID positional arguments: ID id of user to remove options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

remove team-role #

Remove a role from your team

usage: vastai remove team-role NAME positional arguments: NAME name of the role options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

reports #

Get the user reports for a given machine

usage: vastai reports m_id positional arguments: m_id machine id options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

reset api-key #

Reset your api-key (get new key from website).

usage: vastai reset api-key options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

scp-url #

scp url helper

usage: vastai scp-url ID positional arguments: id id options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

search offers #

Search for instance types using custom query

usage: vastai search offers [--help] [--api-key API_KEY] [--raw] <query> positional arguments: query Query to search for. default: 'external=false rentable=true verified=true', pass -n to ignore default options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -t TYPE, --type TYPE Show 'on-demand', 'reserved', or 'bid'(interruptible) pricing. default: on-demand -i, --interruptible Alias for --type=bid -b, --bid Alias for --type=bid -r, --reserved Alias for --type=reserved -d, --on-demand Alias for --type=on-demand -n, --no-default Disable default query --disable-bundling Show identical offers. This request is more heavily rate limited. --storage STORAGE Amount of storage to use for pricing, in GiB. default=5.0GiB -o ORDER, --order ORDER Comma-separated list of fields to sort on. postfix field with - to sort desc. ex: -o 'num_gpus,total_flops-'. default='score-' --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Query syntax: query = comparison comparison... comparison = field op value field = <name of a field> op = one of: <, <=, ==, !=, >=, >, in, notin value = <bool, int, float, etc> | 'any' bool: True, False note: to pass '>' and '<' on the command line, make sure to use quotes note: to encode a string query value (ie for gpu_name), replace any spaces ' ' with underscore '_' Examples: # search for somewhat reliable single RTX 3090 instances, filter out any duplicates or offers that conflict with our existing stopped instances vastai search offers 'reliability > 0.98 num_gpus=1 gpu_name=RTX_3090 rented=False' # search for datacenter gpus with minimal compute_cap and total_flops vastai search offers 'compute_cap > 610 total_flops > 5 datacenter=True' # search for reliable machines with at least 4 gpus, unverified, order by num_gpus, allow duplicates vastai search offers 'reliability > 0.99 num_gpus>=4 verified=False rented=any' -o 'num_gpus-' Available fields: Name Type Description bw_nvlink float bandwidth NVLink compute_cap: int cuda compute capability*100 (ie: 650 for 6.5, 700 for 7.0) cpu_cores: int # virtual cpus cpu_cores_effective: float # virtual cpus you get cpu_ram: float system RAM in gigabytes cuda_vers: float machine max supported cuda version (based on driver version) datacenter: bool show only datacenter offers direct_port_count int open ports on host's router disk_bw: float disk read bandwidth, in MB/s disk_space: float disk storage space, in GB dlperf: float DL-perf score (see FAQ for explanation) dlperf_usd: float DL-perf/$ dph: float $/hour rental cost driver_version string machine's nvidia driver version as 3 digit string ex. "535.86.05" duration: float max rental duration in days external: bool show external offers in addition to datacenter offers flops_usd: float TFLOPs/$ geolocation: string Two letter country code. Works with operators =, !=, in, not in (e.g. geolocation not in [XV,XZ]) gpu_mem_bw: float GPU memory bandwidth in GB/s gpu_name: string GPU model name (no quotes, replace spaces with underscores, ie: RTX_3090 rather than 'RTX 3090') gpu_ram: float GPU RAM in GB gpu_frac: float Ratio of GPUs in the offer to gpus in the system gpu_display_active: bool True if the GPU has a display attached has_avx: bool CPU supports AVX instruction set. id: int instance unique ID inet_down: float internet download speed in Mb/s inet_down_cost: float internet download bandwidth cost in $/GB inet_up: float internet upload speed in Mb/s inet_up_cost: float internet upload bandwidth cost in $/GB machine_id int machine id of instance min_bid: float current minimum bid price in $/hr for interruptible num_gpus: int # of GPUs pci_gen: float PCIE generation pcie_bw: float PCIE bandwidth (CPU to GPU) reliability: float machine reliability score (see FAQ for explanation) rentable: bool is the instance currently rentable rented: bool allow/disallow duplicates and potential conflicts with existing stopped instances storage_cost: float storage cost in $/GB/month static_ip: bool is the IP addr static/stable total_flops: float total TFLOPs from all GPUs ubuntu_version string host machine ubuntu OS version verified: bool is the machine verified

set api-key #

Set api-key (get your api-key from the console/CLI)

usage: vastai set api-key APIKEY positional arguments: new_api_key Api key to set as currently logged in user options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

show api-key #

Show an api-key

usage: vastai show api-key positional arguments: id id of apikey to get options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

show api-keys #

List your api-keys associated with your account

usage: vastai show api-keys options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

show autoscalers #

Display user's current autoscaler groups

usage: vastai show autoscalers [--api-key API_KEY] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Example: vastai show autoscalers

show connections #

Displays user's cloud connections

usage: vastai show connections [--api-key API_KEY] [--raw] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

show earnings #

Get machine earning history reports

usage: vastai show earnings [OPTIONS] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -q, --quiet only display numeric ids -s START_DATE, --start_date START_DATE start date and time for report. Many formats accepted -e END_DATE, --end_date END_DATE end date and time for report. Many formats accepted -m MACHINE_ID, --machine_id MACHINE_ID Machine id (optional) --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

show instance #

Display user's current instances

usage: vastai show instance [--api-key API_KEY] [--raw] positional arguments: id id of instance to get options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

show instances #

Display user's current instances

usage: vastai show instances [OPTIONS] [--api-key API_KEY] [--raw] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -q, --quiet only display numeric ids --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

show invoices #

Get billing history reports

usage: vastai show invoices [OPTIONS] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -q, --quiet only display numeric ids -s START_DATE, --start_date START_DATE start date and time for report. Many formats accepted (optional) -e END_DATE, --end_date END_DATE end date and time for report. Many formats accepted (optional) -c, --only_charges Show only charge items. -p, --only_credits Show only credit items. --instance_label INSTANCE_LABEL Filter charges on a particular instance label (useful for autoscaler groups) --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

show ipaddrs #

Display user's history of ip addresses

usage: vastai show ipaddrs [--api-key API_KEY] [--raw] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

show subaccounts #

Get current subaccounts

usage: vastai show subaccounts [OPTIONS] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -q, --quiet display subaccounts from current user --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

show team-members #

Show your team members

usage: vastai show team-members options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

show team-role #

Show your team role

usage: vast ai show team-role NAME positional arguments: NAME name of the role options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

show team-roles #

Show roles for a team

usage: vastai show team-roles options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

show user #

Get current user data

usage: vastai show user [OPTIONS] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -q, --quiet display information about user --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Shows stats for logged-in user. These include user balance, email, and ssh key. Does not show API key.

ssh-url #

ssh url helper

usage: vastai ssh-url ID positional arguments: id id of instance options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

start instance #

Start a stopped instance

usage: vastai start instance <id> [--raw] positional arguments: id id of instance to start/restart options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key This command attempts to bring an instance from the "stopped" state into the "running" state. This is subject to resource availability on the machine that the instance is located on. If your instance is stuck in the "scheduling" state for more than 30 seconds after running this, it likely means that the required resources on the machine to run your instance are currently unavailable. Examples: vastai start instances $(vastai show instances -q) vastai start instance 329838

start instances #

Start a list of instances

usage: vastai start instances [--raw] ID0 ID1 ID2... positional arguments: ids ids of instance to start options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

stop instance #

Stop a running instance

usage: vastai stop instance [--raw] ID positional arguments: id id of instance to stop options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key This command brings an instance from the "running" state into the "stopped" state. When an instance is "stopped" all of your data on the instance is preserved, and you can resume use of your instance by starting it again. Once stopped, starting an instance is subject to resource availability on the machine that the instance is located on. There are ways to move data off of a stopped instance, which are described here:

stop instances #

Stop a list of instances

usage: vastai stop instances [--raw] ID0 ID1 ID2... positional arguments: ids ids of instance to stop options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Examples: vastai stop instances $(vastai show instances -q) vastai stop instances 329838 984849

transfer credit #

Transfer credits to another account

usage: vastai transfer credit RECIPIENT AMOUNT positional arguments: recipient email of recipient account amount $dollars of credit to transfer options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Transfer (amount) credits to account with email (recipient).

update autoscaler #

Update an existing autoscale group

usage: vastai update autoscaler ID [OPTIONS] positional arguments: ID id of autoscale group to update options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --min_load MIN_LOAD minimum floor load in perf units/s (token/s for LLms) --target_util TARGET_UTIL target capacity utilization (fraction, max 1.0, default 0.9) --cold_mult COLD_MULT cold/stopped instance capacity target as multiple of hot capacity target (default 2.5) --gpu_ram GPU_RAM estimated GPU RAM req (independent of search string) --template_hash TEMPLATE_HASH template hash --template_id TEMPLATE_ID template id --search_params SEARCH_PARAMS search param string for search offers ex: "gpu_ram>=23 num_gpus=2 gpu_name=RTX_4090 inet_down>200 direct_port_count>2 disk_space>=64" --launch_args LAUNCH_ARGS launch args string for create instance ex: "--onstart --env '-e ONSTART_PATH=https://s3.amaz' --image atinoda/text-generation-webui:default-nightly --disk 64" --endpoint_name ENDPOINT_NAME deployment endpoint name (allows multiple autoscale groups to share same deployment endpoint) --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Example: vastai update autoscaler 4242 --min_load 100 --target_util 0.9 --cold_mult 2.0 --search_params "gpu_ram>=23 num_gpus=2 gpu_name=RTX_4090 inet_down>200 direct_port_count>2 disk_space>=64" --launch_args "--onstart --env '-e ONSTART_PATH=' --image atinoda/text-generation-webui:default-nightly --disk 64" --gpu_ram 32.0 --endpoint_name "LLama"

update team-role #

Update an existing team role

usage: vastai update team-role ID --name NAME --permissions PERMISSIONS positional arguments: ID id of the role options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --name NAME name of the template --permissions PERMISSIONS file path for json encoded permissions, look in the docs for more information --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

Host Commands #

list machine #

[Host] list a machine for rent

usage: vastai list machine id [--price_gpu PRICE_GPU] [--price_inetu PRICE_INETU] [--price_inetd PRICE_INETD] [--api-key API_KEY] positional arguments: id id of machine to list options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -g PRICE_GPU, --price_gpu PRICE_GPU per gpu rental price in $/hour (price for active instances) -s PRICE_DISK, --price_disk PRICE_DISK storage price in $/GB/month (price for inactive instances), default: $0.15/GB/month -u PRICE_INETU, --price_inetu PRICE_INETU price for internet upload bandwidth in $/GB -d PRICE_INETD, --price_inetd PRICE_INETD price for internet download bandwidth in $/GB -r DISCOUNT_RATE, --discount_rate DISCOUNT_RATE Max long term prepay discount rate fraction, default: 0.4 -m MIN_CHUNK, --min_chunk MIN_CHUNK minimum amount of gpus -e END_DATE, --end_date END_DATE unix timestamp of the available until date (optional) --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Performs the same action as pressing the "LIST" button on the site On the end date the listing will expire and your machine will unlist. However any existing client jobs will still remain until ended by their owners. Once you list your machine and it is rented, it is extremely important that you don't interfere with the machine in any way. If your machine has an active client job and then goes offline, crashes, or has performance problems, this could permanently lower your reliability rating. We strongly recommend you test the machine first and only list when ready.

remove defjob #

[Host] Delete default jobs

usage: vastai remove defjob id positional arguments: id id of machine to remove default instance from options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

schedule maint #

[Host] Schedule upcoming maint window

usage: vastai schedule maintenance id [--sdate START_DATE --duration DURATION] positional arguments: id id of machine to schedule maintenance for options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --sdate SDATE maintenance start date in unix epoch time (UTC seconds) --duration DURATION maintenance duration in hours --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key The proper way to perform maintenance on your machine is to wait until all active contracts have expired or the machine is vacant. For unplanned or unscheduled maintenance, use this schedule maint command. That will notify the client that you have to take the machine down and that they should save their work. You can specify a date and duration. Example: vastai schedule maint 8207 --sdate 1677562671 --duration 0.5

set defjob #

[Host] Create default jobs for a machine

usage: vastai set defjob id [--api-key API_KEY] [--price_gpu PRICE_GPU] [--price_inetu PRICE_INETU] [--price_inetd PRICE_INETD] [--image IMAGE] [--args ...] positional arguments: id id of machine to launch default instance on options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --price_gpu PRICE_GPU per gpu rental price in $/hour --price_inetu PRICE_INETU price for internet upload bandwidth in $/GB --price_inetd PRICE_INETD price for internet download bandwidth in $/GB --image IMAGE docker container image to launch --args ... list of arguments passed to container launch --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Performs the same action as creating a background job at

set min-bid #

[Host] Set the minimum bid/rental price for a machine

usage: vastai set min_bid id [--price PRICE] positional arguments: id id of machine to set min bid price for options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --price PRICE per gpu min bid price in $/hour --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key Change the current min bid price of machine id to PRICE.

show machines #

[Host] Show hosted machines

usage: vastai show machines [OPTIONS] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -q, --quiet only display numeric ids --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key

unlist machine #

[Host] Unlist a listed machine

usage: vastai unlist machine <id> positional arguments: id id of machine to unlist options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL server REST api url --retry RETRY retry limit --raw output machine-readable json --explain output verbose explanation of mapping of CLI calls to HTTPS API endpoints --api-key API_KEY api key. defaults to using the one stored in ~/.vast_api_key